The Russian Women's Volleyball Super League, is the highest professional women's volleyball league in Russia. It is organized and administered by the Russian Volleyball Federation.


The dissolution of the Soviet Union in late 1991 brought an end to all sports leagues played in the Soviet Union, including the Soviet Women's Volleyball Championship. The national league was created by the Russian Volleyball Federation as a continuation of the Soviet Championships. The 1991–92 inaugural season had the participation of clubs based in the Russian Commonwealth and Yugoslavia. From the second season onwards only clubs based in Russia were allowed to compete.[]

This is how the League changed its name and structure through time.

Years 1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 4th Division 5th Division
1991–1992 Major League First League
1992–1995 Major League A Major League B First League Second League
1995–1996 Super League Major League A Major League B First League Second League
1996–2001 Super League Premier League
("Europe" and "Siberia and Far East" zones)
First League
("Europe" and "Siberia and Far East" zones)
Second League
2001–2011 Super League Major League A
("Europe" and "Siberia and Far East" zones)
Major League B
("Europe" and "Siberia and Far East" zones)
First League
2011–0000 Super League Major League A Major League B
("Europe" and "Siberia and Far East" zones)
"슈퍼리가, 여자"는 러시아에서 개최되는 배구 토너먼트로, 여자 배구 경기의 최고 수준을 선보이는 대회입니다. 이 토너먼트는 러시아 내 여러 팀들이 참가하여 격렬한 경기를 펼치며, 우수한 기술과 전략을 자랑하는 배구 경기를 관람할 수 있습니다. 슈퍼리가, 여자는 세계적으로 유명한 선수들이 참가하여 경기의 경쟁력을 한층 높이며, 관중들에게 흥미진진한 시합을 선사합니다. 이 토너먼트는 배구 팬들에게 뛰어난 스포츠 경험을 제공하며, 배구의 매력과 열정을 전파하는 장으로 알려져 있습니다.