The Shpageeza Cricket League (SCL, also known as the Alokozay Cola Shpageeza Cricket League for sponsorship reasons and Etisalat Sixes T20) (Pashto: شپږیزه کرکټ لیګ) is a Twenty20 cricket tournament organized by the Afghanistan Cricket Board every year in Afghanistan. The Shpageeza tournament is established with eight franchises, including players from the national team, overseas, players from the ‘A’ team and players from the under 19 team as well as elite performers from the respective regions participating in this tournament. In addition, ACB has given the league an identity by franchising all team while players will be selected through a draft for each team.

The ultimate goal of this 12-day tournament is promoting cricket and sport in Afghanistan and establishing peace through sport. The tournament is broadcast live on Afghanistan's prominent channel 1TV using HD quality production standards, and the tournament is commercialized by franchising and marketing each team to a company/organization. Through the design and broadcast of this tournament, Afghans will have firsthand access to watch their national players in their home ground.


The League was established in 2013 titled as Shpageeza Cricket Tournament. Five regional teams participated in the event and it was a successful initiative by Afghanistan Cricket Board. The champion of the first league was Speenghar Tigers for the inaugural edition of the tournament. The matches were telecast by Shamshad TV. The second edition in 2014 was conducted with the same number of teams, representing five regions in the country. Mis-e-Ainak Knights won the title championship. Gulbadin Naib was named Man of the tournament; Noor Ali Zadran was the best batsman and Rokhan Barekzai was named the best bowler of this edition. The matches were telecast on 1TV. Starting from the 2017 season, the ICC granted List A status to the Twenty20 domestic competition (List A rather than Twenty20 status as Afghanistan did not have a domestic 50-over tournament). In May 2017 however, the ICC recognised Afghanistan's 50-over Ghazi Amanullah Khan Regional One Day Tournament by granting it List A status and matches in the 2017 Shpageeza cricket league are classified as Twenty20 status.

쉬파기자 리그는 매 분기마다 아프가니스탄 각 지역에서 최고의 팀이 모여 펼치는 20오버 크리켓 토너먼트입니다. 이 리그는 2017년에 처음 시작되었으며, 17세 이하의 선수들로 구성된 팀들이 참가합니다. 쉬파기자 리그는 아프가니스탄의 신흥 크리켓 선수들을 발굴하고 육성하기 위한 목적으로 만들어졌으며, 이 리그를 통해 많은 선수들이 아프가니스탄 국가대표팀에 발탁되었습니다.

쉬파기자 리그는 총 8개 팀이 참가하며, 각 팀은 조별 예선을 거쳐 4강과 결승전에 진출합니다. 조별 예선은 각 팀이 홈 앤 어웨이 방식으로 경기를 치르며, 상위 2팀이 4강에 진출합니다. 4강은 단판 승부로 진행되며, 승리한 팀이 결승전에 진출합니다. 결승전은 중립 구장에서 열리며, 승리한 팀이 쉬파기자 리그의 우승자가 됩니다.

쉬파기자 리그는 아프가니스탄에서 가장 인기 있는 크리켓 토너먼트 중 하나이며, 많은 팬들이 경기를 관람합니다. 이 리그는 아프가니스탄 크리켓의 발전에 큰 기여를 하고 있으며, 앞으로도 많은 선수들이 이 리그를 통해 아프가니스탄 국가대표팀에 발탁될 것으로 기대됩니다.