Charles Town 2023-10-22 00:02

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Holy Hip Michael Jones Orlando Bocachica SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
2 Honeycamp Michael Simone Marshall Mendez SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
3 All The Way Mae Kelly Deiter Keimar Trotman SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
4 1 Ride The Rapids Ronney Brown Angel Cruz SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
5 Pettyforurthoughts Elizabeth Meehan Grant Whitacre SP
10/20 14:35
10/21 12:33
6 Dial For Love Anthony Farrior Arnaldo Bocachica SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
7 Looking For Flare Mike Butts Gustavo Larrosa SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07
8 2 Marquet Classic Jeff Runco Luis Batista SP
10/20 14:35
10/22 00:07