Fair Grounds 2023-12-16 21:15

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 The Rage Of Art Cesar Govea Aubrie Green SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
2 1 De' Ans Eighty Thomas Amoss Edgar Morales SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
3 Hannah's Haven Shane Wilson Jose Guerrero SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
4 Loveyoulikecrazy Elias Lopez Kylie Wellington SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
5 4 Copper Moon Corale Richards Emanuel Nieves SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
6 Belmar Summer Jose Camejo Serafin Carmona SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
7 5 Mystic Storm Hugh Robertson Marcelino Jr Pedroza SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
8 Girl Afraid Robert Falcone Ben Curtis SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 10:41
9 3 Madelyn Belle Wayne Catalano David Cohen SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18
10 2 Tu Cha Louie Roussel Jareth Loveberry SP
12/15 15:11
12/16 21:18