
Leagues Played
Spain Liga EBA 1
Spain Liga EBA 11/18 16:00 - Roser v Inca L 64-58
Team Name: Inca

Origin: South America, Specifically the Andes Region

Time Period: 14th to 16th Century


1. Renowned Empire: The Inca team, known as the Incas, represented one of the most prominent and influential civilizations of their time, establishing a vast empire that stretched across South America.

2. Skilled in Architecture and Engineering: The Incas were highly skilled in architecture and engineering, constructing magnificent structures, including the impressive Machu Picchu, which still stands as a testament to their architectural prowess.

3. Trailblazing Farmers and Agriculturists: The Incas possessed a deep understanding of agriculture, implementing innovative farming techniques and domesticating various crops, such as the potato and maize. Their farming practices allowed them to thrive in diverse environments, from arid mountains to fertile valleys.

4. Advanced Means of Observational Astronomy: The Incas had a sophisticated understanding of astronomy, using their knowledge to create accurate celestial mapping and predict celestial events, leading to the development of the Inca astronomy system.

5. Skilled Artisans and Craftsmen: The Inca team were renowned for their talented artisans and craftsmen, who produced exquisite works of art and jewelry, often featuring intricate designs and precious metals.

6. Road Networks and Transportation: The Incas established a massive road network, known as the Qhapaq Ñan, which connected their empire and enabled efficient transportation and communication throughout their territories.

7. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: The Incas were known for their ability to integrate various cultures into their empire. However, despite this integration, they also demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving their own unique cultural identity and traditions.

8. Unique System of Governance and Administration: The Incas implemented a centralized government structure with a hierarchy of leaders, from the Inca emperors to local officials. This structure facilitated effective management of their extensive empire.

9. Skillful Infrastructure Development: The Inca team was adept at building impressive infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and fortresses. These projects required great effort and resources, but they also played a vital role in maintaining the empire's unity and supporting its administrative networks.

10. Adaptation to Diverse Climates: The Incas managed to thrive in varied climatic conditions, from the high-altitude Andes to the desert regions in present-day Peru. their adaptation to such diverse environments exemplified their resilience and innovative approach to living off the land.